A contemporary home inspired by ‘expressionism’, Bulgaria

Sofia-based interior design practice Brani & Desi has designed the Life in Expressionism project. Completed in 2015, the contemporary property is located in Sofia, Bulgaria.

The contemporary property is а home in which the owners are taken into the world of art. The project name ‘life in expressionism’ was taken from the artistic style ‘expressionism’, because the designers used forms and colours for emotional effect in order to generate moods and ideas.


The term expressionism refers to art in which the image of reality is distorted in order to make it expressive of the artist’s inner feelings or ideas, says the Tate.


According to the designers: “To live in this place is one emotional experience rather than physical reality. The dominated acute geometric forms provides a feeling of warmth.


The interior design project employs shapes and colours to evoke emotions ranging from feelings of warmth and comfort to feelings of confidence, enjoyment and creativity. The colour white is the active pause amongst the shapes and tones.


According to the expressionism painter and art theorist Kandinsky certain colours have an affinity for certain forms. We combine different colours and forms to impact on the human soul.”


Wassily Kandinsky once said: “Since colours and forms are well-nigh innumerable, their combination and their influences are likewise unending. The material is inexhaustible.”

Images courtesy of the designers


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